Author: Travis McMullen

  • Developing our shape

    Developing our shape

    In our September 2023 meetup, the concept of having an ideal shape in terms of our character was raised and discussed. I was intrigued by the discussion, and it prompted me to do some further reflection and reading. One question I’ve been thinking about is, how do we shape ourselves appropriately to fit with Nature?…

  • Nightly reflections

    Nightly reflections

    I view with pleasure and approval the way you keep on at your studies and sacrifice everything to your single-minded efforts to make yourself every day a better man Seneca, Letter V This was the habit of Sextius, so that at day’s end, when he had retired to his nightly rest, he questioned his mind:…

  • Welcome events as they happen

    Welcome events as they happen

    “Don’t hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen: this is the path to peace” Epictetus, Enchiridion, Chapter 8 In our world today, I have a sense that there is a belief that we have an expectation to get what we want. For things to turn…

  • Epictetus ‘Discourses’ 1.4 – On Progress

    Epictetus ‘Discourses’ 1.4 – On Progress

    We further discuss the ‘Discourses’ for our Brisbane Stoics meetup. Given the heading of this reading, I thought it appropriate to start with a reflection from Seneca which is in Letter V. I view with pleasure and approval the way you keep on at your studies and sacrifice everything to your single-minded efforts to make…

  • A reflection on Memento Mori

    A reflection on Memento Mori

    In his article on Stoic Themes, Courtney introduced one of the key themes of Memento Mori. To briefly recap, Memento Mori means remembering that we have to die. This concept, each time I read or listen about it, really hits home to me. It’s very easy to get caught up in our own world at…